
By default, Joomla use JRoute::_() to handle frontend routing, we must build a URL with queries to create a SEF route.

For example:

echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_flower&view=sakura&layout=item&id=25')

Will be


In Windwalker, we provide a routing tool to help developer build URI by a set of custom rules. You can build a route by resource name:

echo \Windwalker\Router\RadRoute::_('com_flower@sakura', array('id' => 25, 'alias' => 'sakura-alias'));

The result will be:


How It Works

Same as native Joomla routing, you must assign your component and view to core menu items first, now we create a menu with alias: flower.



And create an item with alias: example, ID is 7:


Open frontend component file routing.yml.

    pattern: sakuras/(id)
    view: sakuras

    pattern: sakura/(id)/(alias)
    view: sakura

You can see the sakura item route rule is /sakura/(id)/(alias), se we type flower/sakura/7/example to browser URL bar.


It is very easy to build route with this item, use _():

\Windwalker\Router\RadRoute::_('com_flower@sakura', array('id' => 7, 'alias' => 'example'));

The return value will be:


Or use shortcut by component built-in router, which supports ignoring the component option for route name:

// No longer need `com_flower@`
\Flower\Router\Route::_('sakura', array('id' => 7, 'alias' => 'example'));

But you can still build other components' routes by add option prefix:

// Build com_animal's route
\Flower\Router\Route::_('com_animal@bear', array('id' => 25, 'alias' => 'bear-alias'));

Use Other Route Styles

/(id)-(alias) Style

You can use (id)-(alias) style to make your URI. Follow this rules:

# ...

    pattern: sakura/(id)-(alias)
    view: sakura
        id: \d+

The \d+ use regex to limit id value must be an integer, so all string after id will be alias.


You can get variables in controller:

$id    = $this->input->get('id');
$alias = $this->input->get('alias');

Mutiple Level Routes

You can also add categories path for sakuras list page, for example:

    pattern: /category/(*path)
    view: sakuras
Route::_('sakura_category', array('path' => $category->path));

Will be:


In controller, you can get path as an array:


    [0] => first
    [1] => second
    [2] => third


Simple Params

Use parenthesis () to wrap param name.

    pattern: /flower/(id)/(alias)

For uri look like : /flower/25/article-alias-name, above pattern will be matched and there will be two input params.

[id] => 25
[alias] => article-alias-name

Custom Input Variables

    pattern: /flower/(id)/(alias)
        foo: bar

The attributes in variables will auto set to input if this route be matched.

Limit By Requirement

Use Regular Expression to validate type of input. For example \d+ indicates that only Integer will be accepted as id input.

    pattern: /flower/(id)/(alias)
        id: \d+

Optional Params

Single Optional Params

Use (/{anyparam}) to wrap an Optional Param.

    pattern: flower(/id)

Below 2 uris will be matched simultaneously.


Multiple Optional Params

    pattern: flower(/year,month,day)

All uris below will be matched.


Matched variables:

    [year] => 2014
    [month] => 10
    [day] => 12


Use Wildcards to match all the successive params in uri.

    pattern: /king/(*tags)

Every param after /king will all be matched. For example: /king/john/troilus/and/cressida, will get these variables.

    [tags] => Array
        [0] => john
        [1] => troilus
        [2] => and
        [3] => cressida

Route Options

Windwalker router provides a set of options to make your rules flexible.


    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura

The view: sakura means to find FlowerViewSakuraHtml, it is as same as &view=sakura in HTTP query.


    pattern: sakura/save(/id)

The task: means to find FlowerControllerSakuraEditSave, it is same as & in HTTP query.

You can only contain ont of task or view in route setting.


    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura
    layout: edit

The layout: edit means to use tmpl/edit.php in sakura view, it is as same as &layout=edit in HTTP query.


    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura
    format: json

The format: json means to find FlowerViewSakuraJson, it is as same as &format=json in HTTP query.

HTTP Scheme

Only this HTTP setting will be matched.

    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura

    # Only https
    scheme: https
    post: 80
    sslPort: 443


Extra is some your custom values for this route.

    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura
            bar: yoo

Use this way to get extra values from matched route.

\Windwalker\Router\RadRouter::getInstance('com_flower')->extra->get(''); //yoo

buildHandler And parseHandler

    pattern: sakura/(id)
    view: sakura
    buildHandler: MyRouteHelper::buildSakura
    parseHandler: MyRouteHelper::parseSakura

The *Handler options means to add hook to build or parse action for this route.

The buildHandler

class MyRouteHelper
     * Sakura build hook.
     * @param array      $queries  The HTTP query get from RadRoute class.
     * @param boolean    $replace  Replace core build rules and only use the return segments from this method.
     * @param JMenuSite  $menu     The Joomla menu object to get menu items.
     * @return  string|array|void  Replace, append segments or not, return value can be string or array.
     *                             Only works when $replace = true.
    public static function buildSakura(&$queries, &$replace, $menu)
        // Add custom query data
        $queries['my_data'] = 'foo';

        // Or return custom segments
        $replace = true;

        return 'my/custom/segments';

Now if you build a route by $route::_('sakura', ['id' => 25]);, the generated URI will be:


Or return custom segments by setting $replace to true.

public static function buildSakura(&$queries, &$replace, $menu)
    $replace = true;


    return 'my/custom/segments';



Use Menu Item Alias

You can replace your route by custom rules, for example, if a menu direct to an item, return menu alias to replace sakura route:

public static function buildSakura(&$queries, &$replace, JMenuSite $menu)
    // Get all com_flower menus
    $menuItems = $menu->getItems('component', 'com_flower');

    // Find matched menu item.
    foreach ($menuItems as $menuItem)
        if (isset($menuItem->query['view']) && $menuItem->query['view'] == 'sakura' &&
            isset($menuItem->query['id']) && $menuItem->query['id'] == $queries['id'])
            // Replace core route rule.
            $replace = true;

            // Only return menu Itemid then Joomla will convert to menu alias
            $queries = array('Itemid' => $menuItem->id);

    // No menu matched, follows default rule.

The parseHandler

class MyRouteHelper
     * Sakura parse hook.
     * @param   array  $variables  The variables parse from URI.
     * @return  array  The final variables with your custom data.
    public static function parseSakura(array $variables)
        if (isset($variables['task']) && $variables['task'] == 'sakura.edit.apply')
            $variables['my_data'] = 'bar';

        return $variables;

ParseHandler is much simpler, just add or delete what you need of variables, and return it. Then you can get data by Input.

$this->input->get('my_data'); //bar

Found a typo? Help us improve this document.

This document is for Windwalker Joomla RAD, if you are finding Windwalker PHP framework, please see: Windwalker Framework