
Windwalker Simple ORM is a tool to configure relations between different tables, it helps JTable and DataMapper ables to operate other relative tables and data.

One to Many

If we have a table brands relation to cars and bikes, the cars and bikes both contains a column brand_id, this is one-to-many relation.


We can configure this relation in Windwalker Table class:


use Windwalker\Relation\Action;
use Windwalker\Table\Table;

class VehicleTableBrand extends Table
    public function __construct()

    protected function configure()
        // Configure One to Many Relations
        $this->_relation->addOneToMany('cars') // Property to store relation data

            // Use another JTable to handle CRUD, and the foreign key mapping.
            ->targetTable(new VehicleTableCar, array('id' => 'brand_id'))
            ->onUpdate(Action::CASCADE) // On update
            ->onDelete(Action::CASCADE); // On delete

            ->targetTable(new VehicleTableBike, array('id' => 'brand_id'))

You can just send the table name to targetTable(), the Table object will be auto created.

->targetTable('#__vehicle_cars', array('id' => 'brand_id'))


When VehicleTableBrand::load(), all relative cars and bikes will also loaded.

$brandTable = JTable::getInstance('Brand', 'VehicleTable');


// \Windwalker\Data\DataSet
foreach ($brandTable->cars as $car)
    // \Windwalker\Data\Data
    echo $car->title;

If we call VehicleTableBrand::store(), all data in cars and bikes will also batch store back to database. The store action was handled by VehicleTableCar and VehicleTableBike objects which we set when the relation configuring.

$brandTable->store(); // All cars and bikes data will be updated.

$brandTable->cars[] = new Data(array('title' => 'A new car'));

$brandTable->store(); // The latest inserted data will be created. 

If we call VehicleTableBrand::delete(), all relative data will auto be deleted too.

$brandTable->delete(); // All cars and bikes relative to this brand item will be delete.


The relation handling above is CASCADE, which means sync all data with update and delete action. We can set onUpdate and onDelete to other actions.

// In VehicleTableBrand class

use Windwalker\Relation\Action;

// ...

    ->targetTable(new VehicleTableCar, array('id', 'brand_id'))
Action Description
Action::CASCADE When main record update or change the key value, all relative records' foreign keys will also change. If main record be deleted, all relative records will also be deleted too.
Action::NO_ACTION or Action::RESTRICT If main record update, delete or change key value, all relative record will have no any actions.
Action::SET_NULL If main record update, delete or change key value, all relative records' foreign key will be st to NULL


One to One

If a table members and member_profiles is one-to-one relation, and the member_profiles.member_id matching the


    ->targetTable(new Table('#__member_profiles'), array('id' => 'member_id'));

In this case, the loaded relative item will be a Data object not DataSet.

$memberTable->profile; // \Windwalker\Data\Data

Many to One

We can set cars belongs to brands, this case is very similar to articles and category, both are many-to-one relation. The key mapping must in turn.

// in VehicleTableCar class

    ->targetTable(new FlowerTableBrand, array('brand_id' => 'id'));

Now if we load a car record, we will get the matched brand item.

$carTable->brand; // \Windwalker\Data\Data

Many to One relation only support read now, delete and store not works.

Many to Many

Many to many relation need a middleware table to support multiple mapping. If we have a members and groups is many-to-many relation, then we must have a member_group_maps table to handle this relation.


// In member table object 

    // We usually not create a JTable for mapping table, so just use table name at first argument.
    ->mappingTable('#__member_group_maps', array('id' => 'member_id'))
    ->targetTable(new FlowerTableGroup, array('group_id' => 'id'));


If our relation update is to delete all and re-create all, we can set it is flush.

    ->targetTable(new VehicleTableCar, array('id', 'brand_id'))
    ->flush(true); // Add this

Now if we call store(), all relation data will be deleted and re-insert all data.

Relationship for DataMapper

If you hope the DataMapper can also handle relationship, you must extends to AbstractObservableDataMapper.

NOTE: In DataMapper, the relationship handler still use Table object.

use Windwalker\DataMapper\Adapter\DatabaseAdapterInterface;
use Windwalker\Table\Table;

class VehicleMapperBrand extends \Windwalker\DataMapper\ObservableDataMapper
    public function __construct(DatabaseAdapterInterface $db = null)
        parent::__construct('#__vehicle_brands', 'id', $db);

    protected function initialise()
        // Configure One to Many Relations
            ->targetTable(new VehicleTableCar, array('id' => 'brand_id'))

$mapper = new VehicleMapperBrand;

$brands = $mapper->find(array('state' => 1));

foreach ($brands as $brand)
    foreach ($brand->cars as $car)

Global Configuring

Sometimes we will hope we can only configure once and work on both Table and DataMapper, or maybe we need configure relationship in different conditions, we can use RelationContainer to make global configuring. When Table and DataMapper created, they will auto register these configurations.

// Set it in component class.

final class FlowerComponent extends \Flower\Component\FlowerComponent
    public function prepare()

        // Get RelationContainer and a Relation object
        $relation = $this->container->get('relation.container')->getRelation('#__flower_sakuras');

            ->targetTable(new FlowerTableFoo, array('foo_id' => 'id'));

            ->targetTable(JTable::getInstance('Category'), array('catid' => 'id'));

The $relation which get from RelationContainer is a singleton Relation object for #__flower_sakuras table. All configurations we set to this table will be keep in RelationContainer and latter if we create Table or DataMapper, the relation configuration will auto register to these two objects.

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This document is for Windwalker Joomla RAD, if you are finding Windwalker PHP framework, please see: Windwalker Framework