Installation via Composer

We use composer to install Windwalker RAD.

cd /your/joomla/dir
composer create-project windwalker/joomla-rad libraries/windwalker 2.*

Setting PHP CLI

Windwalker generator need PHP CLI, that you can use command line to operate it. If you are in Windows, please make sure the Environment Variable of php.exe has set.

Generator Commands

Now, chdir to your Joomla path, type:

$ php bin/windwalker generator

And you will see:

Windwalker Console - version: 2.1

[windwalker Help]

  windwalker <command> [option]


  -h | --help       Display this help message.
  -q | --quiet      Do not output any message.
  -v | --verbose    Increase the verbosity of messages.
  --ansi            Set 'off' to suppress ANSI colors on unsupported terminals.


  generator    Extension generator.
    init         Init a new extension.
    convert      Convert an extension back to a template.
    add          Add new controller view model system classes(only component).
    test         Generate test cases.

  build        Some useful tools for building system.
    gen-command  Generate a command class.

Welcome to Windwalker Console.

Generate Extensions

Here is some example of how to generate extensions:

Init Component

Create a component named com_flower and with two MVCs sakura and sakuras in both site and admin.

$ php bin/windwalker generator init com_flower sakura.sakuras

Create a component in site or admin.

$ php bin/windwalker generator init com_flower sakura.sakuras -c admin (site)

Create a component and use other sub template foo, default is default.

$ php bin/windwalker generator init com_flower sakura.sakuras -t foo

Add two MVC groups

Add a singular and a plural MVC group to a exists component.

$ php bin/windwalker generator add subsystem com_flower rose.roses


Create a module named mod_flower in front end.

$ php bin/windwalker generator init mod_flower -c site


Create a module named plg_flower in 'system' group.

$ php bin/windwalker generator init plg_system_flower

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This document is for Windwalker Joomla RAD, if you are finding Windwalker PHP framework, please see: Windwalker Framework