
Sometimes we using JPATH_COMPONENT to get component path, however, this constant is dynamic, we can;t use this constant in a component to get other component's path.

PathHelper can get extensions' real path by the element name.

Get Path

Get Component Path

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('com_content', 'admin');

// /your/path/to/joomla/administrator/components/com_content

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('com_content', 'site');

// /your/path/to/joomla/components/com_content

Get Module Path

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('mod_menus', 'admin');

// /your/path/to/joomla/administrator/modules/mod_menus

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('mod_menus', 'site');

// /your/path/to/joomla/modules/mod_menus

Get Plugin Path

// Plugin only in site
echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('plg_system_cache');

// /your/path/to/joomla/plugins/system/cache

Get Template Path

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('tpl_isis', 'admin');

// /your/path/to/joomla/administrator/templates/isis

echo \Windwlaker\Helper\PathHelper::get('tpl_protostar', 'site');

// /your/path/to/joomla/templates/protostar

getAdmin() & getSite()

This is the alias of get($ext, 'admin'), get($ext, 'site').

Found a typo? Help us improve this document.

This document is for Windwalker Joomla RAD, if you are finding Windwalker PHP framework, please see: Windwalker Framework